"Let the battle begin!"
These are the words you'll be hearing for the upcoming weeks as The Voice of the Philippines Battle Rounds initially started last Sunday.
Coaches, together with their respective guest advisers are ready to see what has become of those hours and days of coaching..
Battle rounds initiated with the following pairs --
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#TeamApl |
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#TeamBamboo #KampKawayan |
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#TeamSarah |
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#TeamLea |
They all performed well and gave their respective coaches quite a challenge choosing who has to go and who has to stay..
I was "wowed" by Tristhan's stage performance. You can really see that he was enjoying his parts and those hitting the high notes, "Whew! Ang sarap pakinggan.." As for the Lorenzana siblings, I would agree with Coach Apl's comment that there was indeed a transformation with Grace's performance. Remember during the blind auditions, she's a bit hesitant singing some parts of the song.
Smooth intro of the intro and then it builds up which makes exciting.. With this pair, I could hear Morisette stand out especially during the duet parts. But if I am going to watch her, I can still see the influence of Coach Sarah performing on stage.
This duet/battle turned out to be controversial. Why? It was because Coach Bamboo's decision of choosing Lee over Dan. Not just a few but it was quite a lot of viewers reacted to it. My own Facebook and Twitter feed was filled with reaction's like "Dan should be the to move on to the next coz he sang the very well.." At some point, I may agree to that kind of comment. Dan's voice fits well to the song but I'm pretty sure Lee gave her best to give justice to her performance that night. With all these reactions ongoing after that, I really did waited for Coach Bamboo's statement. And he posted a statement the next day, answering to those reactions..
Hello guys, I’ve been reading the comments from last nights battle, Lee vs Dan …1st thing no favoritism…I don’t play that…I go for who I think I can help..who I can develop…who I think has something to say…I’ve spent many hours with my team (off camera)..i try my best to know them as best I can…as singers, songwriters, performers and people. I know the weight of my responsibility… I take what I do very seriously…so to make decisions on one performance….on a “battle”…I think my guys deserve better than that..I believe in Dan…if I remember correctly I was the only one who turned …I heard something special in Dan...and last nights performance…he proved me right…he shined..i was so happy for him…and hated …HATED to make that decision…But Lee…Lee has a story to tell…I just feel that I have to give her that chance…she has an artists soul…she was lost an all she needed was to find a bit of light…I know lee ..her strengths and weaknesses…I pushed Lee…put her in a situation where I knew was difficult…but I’m always a believer of adversity…to be tested…GROWTH over prize…and in defeats we grow stronger…Lee lost that “battle” but she deserves to move on..be heard…i could have easily changed the key for Lee to make it easier on her but I didn’t…I wanted to hear Lee…this battle wasn’t about Lee vs Dan..it was Lee vs Lee…Dan Vs Dan…i will continue to sit on my chair…and continue to make these hard decisions...but know this..i am commited to my artists..my team a 100% …the lights go off…and I’m still there..i’m no longer dans “coach”…but if he’ll have me as a friend and mentor to guide him…I will try my best to get Dans story told…it just wasn’t his time…I know Dan…and all he needs is a guide ..let me be that guide…be positive ..lets support both artists..#RESPECT #KAMPKAWAYAN #VOICEPH
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